How To Repair A Chipped Or Broken Tooth?

How To Repair A Chipped Or Broken Tooth?

The teeth are made to be remarkably strong, but there are instances when you cannot prevent them from cracking, breaking down or chipping. There are several reasons why your teeth may chip or get broken. Some of them are the following:

– Biting something hard

– Getting hit either on the mouth or face

– Accidental falls

– Buildup of cavities that tend to weaken your teeth

– Wearing old and large amalgam fillings that do not provide adequate support to the remaining enamel

While a chipped or broken tooth does not cause pain in most cases, your tongue will still feel the sharp edge or area, thereby causing discomfort. There are also instances when the problem causes pain, especially if the case is severe. You may also experience utmost discomfort in case the nerve endings of your dentin get exposed to cold/hot foods and drinks, or to air.

Fortunately, it is now possible to repair chipped or broken tooth. Some effective solutions include the following:

1. Dental / Composite Bonding – This dental procedure is effective in repairing cracked, chipped, discolored, gapped, misshapen and decayed teeth. In this procedure, your dentist will use a composite resin to fill the crack. It helps in repairing a small chip in your tooth, and in restoring its shape.

One advantage of composite bonding is that it does not require the use of anesthesia. It is because it is not painful, unless it is mainly used to deal with cavities. It is also long-lasting. You can expect it to last for up to ten years. Most dentists are also skilled in this area, making them capable of shaping the bonding material in such a way that it looks and feels like your natural teeth.

2. Veneers – Veneers work as effective coverings for your chipped or broken tooth. Your dentist will bond the veneer in front of your tooth, thereby transforming its look. The first step in this procedure involves preparing your tooth for the veneer. Your dentist will then take impressions. In this stage, you can decide on the shape, shade, and size of your veneers.

The next step is creating your veneers in a laboratory. Since your actual veneers are not ready yet, you will need to wear temporary ones. The last step is removing the temporary veneers to bond the new ones in front of your affected tooth.

3. Dental crowns – Your dentist may also recommend the application of a dental crown if the damaged tooth is not suitable for a veneer. It can be described as a cap, which can cover your chipped or broken tooth, protect it, and improve its appearance. However, you may need to undergo a root canal treatment first if there are damaged nerves in the affected tooth. This is necessary in getting rid of all the infections affecting the root canal. After cleaning the root and filling it, a crown will be fitted into it, providing it the support it needs.

Repairing chipped or broken tooth is now easier with the advancement in the field of dentistry. Just make sure to choose a professional and experienced dentist to perform a procedure designed to repair the damage.

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